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About Us

Comtec is an Information Technology Organization in the field of software training and knowledge consulting.

Comtec is a leading Computer Software, Hardware and professional education network of India having over 265 Affiliated Center's Essentially in training, servicing and production, specially in the field of computer, mobile, vocational, professional education.Our Organization is one of the premier Organization in the field of Computer Education Program in INDIA .

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Over the last some decades Comtec has emerged as one of the leading institute in the Kanpur region.

Comtec includes strong team of technical and management members comprising of computer Software & Hardware Engineering, Management Professionals, Computer Professionals, Social Workers, Advocate, Doctors etc. All of them have a similar dream to help the country being technically sound and help India become IT Superpower in the near future.

Our Salient Features

Each Student have Single Computer

Quisque at tellus ullamcorper, pharetra arcu a, suscipit purus. Nullam feugiat in augue in consequat. Sed ac dictum ligula, et pellentesque velit. In gravida eu felis sit amet molestie. Morbi sed ex ac enim finibus vulputate. Cras arcu magna, auctor ornare neque in, finibus tincidunt augue.

Visual Classes by Large LCD Screen.

Nullam egestas diam eu felis dignissim, vitae posuere ex pretium. Morbi quam purus, rhoncus eget enim sed, laoreet venenatis arcu. Curabitur vestibulum, orci pulvinar pretium cursus, diam ante pretium elit, at finibus nisl ligula vitae enim. eu eleifend enim condimentum ac.

Practical Assignment Notes.

Cras gravida metus vel tortor porttitor pretium. Cras posuere sem ut neque commodo aliquet. Proin in dui tempor, volutpat velit congue, mollis felis. Proin quis ante vitae nunc cursus interdum. Sed nec placerat risus. Sed rhoncus nibh et accumsan placerat. Nunc nec libero a dui cursus mattis placerat a urna.


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SunRise University